Call for papersAbstracts are invited for conference presentations addressing any aspect of the analysis, description or comparison of Bantu languages. Important dates Deadline for workshop proposals: June 30th 2012 Instructions for abstract submissions Abstracts in English or French should be no longer than one page A4, including data and references. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Please make sure that all examples are carefully glossed (using the Leipzig Glossing Conventions and explaining any supplementary glosses) and that tones are marked on all examples in tone languages. All theoretical approaches are welcome, but abstracts should provide a clear research question and an indication of the relevance of its conclusions for a broad audience of linguists interested in Bantu languages. Three of the most convincing abstracts will be selected (anonymously) for a plenary presentation. When submitting your abstract, you will have a choice between three categories: “oral”, “poster” and “oral or poster”. The latter category means that you prefer an oral presentation but can also do a poster. If there are more good abstracts than we can accommodate, some will be scheduled as posters. If you choose either category “poster” or “oral or poster” you will increase your chances of acceptance. If you choose “oral”, you will also need to indicate whether you submission is for the “general session” or one of the workshops. In the latter case, please select the name of the workshop from the list. Time for oral presentations will be 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts should be submitted as an MS Word or Open Office Writer file via the conference website. Please make sure that you use a Unicode compliant font and that you do not use your name in the file name of your abstract. Please send two versions of your abstract. One should be anonymous (please, submit as Main File!), and one should include your name, affiliation and email at the top of the page, directly below the title (please, submit as Supplementary data and choose “Other” as Type of the file!). N.B.: You can find a short position paper on the grammar of preverbal domains (by Hamlaoui & Bostoen) on the web site below the workshop calls. Papers on this topic will be grouped together in the general session and abstracts should be submitted as abstracts for the general session. Funding We might be able to assist participants who encounter difficulties in obtaining sufficient funding to come to Paris, e.g. by pointing out funding opportunities of French agencies. Please contact the organisers (bantu5 |